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Friday, June 30, 2017

Vendakka Theyyal (Okra in a Coconut based curry)

** Gluten Free ** Vegan ** Freezer Safe **

  • Okra/ Ladies Finger/ Vendakka (Long slices)- 1 cup
  • Shredded coconut- 1/2 cup
  • Green chilli (sliced)- 2 nos.
  • Onion (sliced)- 1 no.
  • Curry leaves- 1 sprig
  • Tamarind (soaked and strained)- 1 gooseberry sized
  • Turmeric- 1/2 tsp.
  • Chilli powder- 1 tbsp.
  • Coriander powder- 1 tbsp.
  • Oil- 1.5 tbsp.
  • Salt- As per taste

Cooking Time: 15 minutes

Serves: 2 people


Step 1: Wash and dry the cut okra well to ensure it doesn't stick.

*Tip: Oiling your palms and the knife before cutting the okra will keep the knife from retaining the sticky residue and make cutting it easier.

Step 2: Dry roast the shredded coconut with a pinch of salt till evenly golden brown and then add the spices and cook on low flame till aromatic.

Step 3: Grind the coconut spice mixture to a fine powder, then add enough hot water and blend to a smooth paste.

Step 4: In a pan, add oil and once heated add the sliced onions, curry leaves and green chillis. Cook till the onions turn translucent. Then add the cleaned okra and cook till sauted on all sides. the okra does not need to be cooked though at this stage.

Step 5: Add the blended coconut spice mixture and cover and cook till the okra is completely cooked and soft. Then add the turmeric paste and check and adjust salt to taste. Enjoy warm with chappathi/ rice.

BONUS TIP:  This recipe can be adapted for other vegetables such as just onions, bitter gourd/ pavakka. I will be posting these variations with exact cooking measures for your use.

This dish will not last for many days in the fridge since it contains coconut and coriander which spoils easily, but it can be made in large batches and frozen for many months and thawed as per need.



 * tsp.- Teaspoon    ** tbsp.- Tablespoon     opt.- Optional

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