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Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Spicy Mutton Dum Biriyani

** Flavor packed ** Freezer Safe ** Party Favorite **

  • Mutton (washed and cubed)- 1 kg
  • Basmati Rice- 2 cups
  • Beef/ Chicken broth/ water- 2 cups
  • Onions (Finely sliced and fried)- 3 nos.
  • Ginger paste- from 1 medium piece
  • Garlic paste- from 4 nos.
  • Yogurt- 5 tbsps.
  • Coriander leaves- per taste
  • Mint leaves- per taste
  • Turmeric- 1/2 tbsp.
  • Chilli powder- per taste/ 1.5 tbsp.
  • Coriander powder- 1.5 tbsp.
  • Garam masala- 3/4 tbsp.
  • Fennel seed powder/ Perinjeerakam podi- 1/2 tbsp.
  • Lemon- 1 no.
  • Raisins- as per taste
  • Cashew Nuts- as per taste
  • Ghee/ Oil- as needed/ 2 tbsps.
* Whole spices:
  • Bay leaves- 2 nos.
  • Cinnamon stick/ Karukappatta- 1 medium sized
  • Clove/ Grambu- 3 nos.
  • Cardamom/ Elakka- 3 nos.
  • Peppercorn/ Kurumulakku- per taste/ 3 nos.
  • Shahi jeera- 1 tsp.
  • Star Anise/ Thakollam- 2 nos.
  • Nutmeg/ Jathikka (Powdered)- A pinch
  • Saffron strands (optional)
Cooking Time: 45 minutes

Makes: 4 people


Step 1: Thoroughly wash and pat dry the mutton. Cut into medium sized cubes. You can make this recipe with or without the bone. 

** Tip: I had used the bones from the mutton to make a bone broth that I used while cooking the rice.
Mutton has a distinctive smell and needs to be washed thoroughly and strained to remove the liquid from the meat. I soak the meat in water with turmeric, vinegar, 1/4 cup of flour and a lot of salt, then rinse thoroughly with water and strain.

Step 2: Marinate the meat for about an hour or overnight with salt, yogurt, ginger- garlic paste, turmeric, coriander powder, red chilli powder, garam masala, fennel seed powder, pepper powder, chopped coriander and mint leaves, oil (4 tbsps.), half of the fried onions and juice from half of a lemon.

Step 3: Soak the basmati rice in lukewarm water for 1- 2 hours and strain the water. In a pot, bring the broth/ water to a boil, juice of half a lemon, the whole spices, salt and a tbsp. of ghee. Cover and cook till the water evaporates and the rice is partially cooked. The rice should not be cooked through, since it should cook with the mutton gravy. Follow the exact rice- water ratio and keep covered until ready to use otherwise the rice will dry out.

* Tip: You should be able to taste the salt well, not excessively salty/ less salty, since the partially cooked rice will break if you add the salt in later.

Step 4: Now you are ready to assemble the dum for the biriyani. In a vessel large enough to contain the mutton and rice, add a few teaspoon of ghee and add the marinated mutton and evenly pack it at the bottom. 

On top of this add the partially cooked rice followed by the toppings of your choice. I used the remainder of the fried onions, fried cashews, fried raisins and chopped coriander leaves. 

Dissolve some saffron strands in warm milk and also add to the top of the rice. (Optional)

Step 5: Seal the vessel well using chappathi dough and any air gaps using some rolled up tissue as shown. Do not place the dum on a direct flame. Heat a tava/ griddle (should not be non-stick) and place the sealed dum on top of it. 
Cook on medium heat for 30 minutes and then on low flame/ sim for another 15 minutes. The seal should be intact throughout the cooking time.

BONUS TIP:  Adding ghee/ oil to the water while cooking the rice will keep each of the rice grains separate and prevent clumping.

If you fry the onions using sugar/ brown sugar for caramelization the taste will be incredible, but it's optional per preference. 

This recipe freezes well and can be reheated without loosing any of its flavor.



 * tsp.- Teaspoon    ** tbsp.- Tablespoon     opt.- Optional

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