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Thursday, May 4, 2017

Sweet Potato Chappathi/ Roti/ Flatbread

** Vegan ** Reduced Gluten ** Fiber Rich and Heart Healthy**

  • Sweet Potato- 2 cups/ 2 nos.
  • Whole wheat flour (Atta)- 2 cups
  • Salt- A pinch
  • Oil (**Coconut Oil tastes best)- 1/4 tbsp.
** Optional goodies:
  • Flaxseed powder- 2 tbsps.
  • Hemp seed powder- 1 tbsp
  • Chia seed- 1 tsp.

Cooking Time: 10-15 minutes

Makes: 1 dozen chapattis

Step 1: Boil and Mash sweet potatoes and add equal quantities of whole wheat flour and some hot water and salt, knead to form a smooth chapatti dough. Add more flour as needed to keep it from sticking. Finally add the oil over the dough and knead for a few minutes. Keep covered until ready to use.

** Peel the potatoes while they are still hot, since the hot/ warm potatoes will forma  dough better.

Step 2: Roll into smooth chappathis/ faltbread.

* Easy Rolling techniques demonstrated in my earlier post: Soft whole wheat chappathis (Phulka roti)

My Little girl helping me roll the chapattis ❤๐Ÿ‘ถ

Step 3: Heat a tava/ frying pan and cook the chappthis on both sides and can be completed phulka style as demonstrated here or can be cooked completely on the tava as per preference. 
** If you are using phulka technique, just remember that it will not completely puff up as a regular phulka roti.

BONUS TIP:  These are great with spicy curries or as a sweet treat for kids with some jam spread due to the mild sweet taste from the sweet potatoes.

The prepared dough can stay in the fridge for about a week if stored in an airtight container/ in a sealed ziploc bag.



 * tsp.- Teaspoon    ** tbsp.- Tablespoon     opt.- Optional

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