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Saturday, April 29, 2017

Egg Waffle Sandwich

** 1 Minute Toddler Breakfast **

  • Bread Slices- 2
  • Egg- 1
  • Pepper- A pinch
  • Salt- A pinch

Cooking Time: 1-2 minutes

Makes: 1 egg sandwich


Step 1: Heat the waffle iron to a medium- high temperature and grease with a bit of butter/ oil spray. Place a slice of bead and break in one egg on top of the slice of bread.

Step 2: Add in a pinch of salt and pepper on top of the egg and place the second slice of bread.
Close the waffle iron to cook completely. Cook for about 1-2 minutes. Serve warm.


BONUS TIP:  This can be made in a frying pan too (just press down with a plate and flip both sides) or in a similar appliance such as a panini press or a sandwich maker.

This is a great freezer meal that can be made well in advance for an even easier breakfast or lunch.


 * tsp.- Teaspoon    ** tbsp.- Tablespoon     opt.- Optional

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