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Saturday, February 18, 2017

Easy 5 minute Indian Masala Chai (Milk- based Tea with Indian spice blend)

**Enjoy this flavorful, easy recipe! Our all time favorite**

* Ingredients:
  • Milk- 1 and 1/2 cups
  • Water- 1 and 3/4 cups
  • Tea powder- 3 tsp.  (or 3 tea bags)
  • Cardamom (Elaichi/ Elakka) powdered- 1 pinch/ 3 nos.
  • Ginger (Ingi) grated/ crushed/ dry powdered- 2 small peices
  • Pepper (Kurumullake)- A pinch/ 2 pieces crushed
  • Cinammon (Karukkapatta) powdered- A pinch
Optional goodies:
  • Turmeric- A pinch

  • Chukku/ dry ginger instead of fresh- 1 small piece- powdered
  • Saffron (Kumkuma poo)- A few strands
  • Sugar/ Honey/ Sweetner- As needed/ 1.5 tbsp.
* Serves: 3 people

Cooking time: 5 minutes

* Recipe:

- In a pot, boil the water and add the tea powder and the spice blend. Keep the flame on high till it starts boiling (About 1 minute).
- Once boiling, reduce the flame to a medium- low and add the milk. Wait till it boils (you don't have to stir often, since the heat is low, the milk won't burn at the base of the pot). (about 1-1.5 minutes)
- Watch carefully to make sure it doesn't boil over, once the boiled milk reaches almost the top of the pot, lower the flame to low/ sim. 
- Sim on low heat for about 1 minute. At this stage add the Sugar/ Sweetner if needed. Strain with a seive and Enjoy!!☺ Don't forget to share!! You deserve all the praise for your hard work!!

                                          **  ENJOY YOUR YUMMY CREATION  **


-   If you are using an electric stovetop or coil, even if you lower the flame, it won't immediately reduce the heat, so lift your pan a few seconds so your tea doesn't spill over
- I usually dry roast the spices, powder and store to add to make instant spiced masala tea ( always use dried ginger/ powdered ginger to make the spice blend. It will last a long time. Just add a pinch every time you want to enjoy a piping hot masala tea at home! Enjoy!❤☺)

Step 1: Boil the water (on High flame) with the tea powder and spice blend (powdered)

Step 2: Lower the flame to medium heat and Add the milk

Step 3: Lower the flame to a Sim/ lowest setting (for about a minute). 
Add the sweetner at this stage (Optional)

Step 4: Strain and Enjoy!!❤☺


 * tsp.- Teaspoon    ** tbsp.- Tablespoon     opt.- Optional

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this..will definitely try it! :)
